BHSc, ND, Dip HM, Dip RT, Dip BT, Practitioner FSMC, Antigravity Yoga teacher

In the early days she worked and continued education alongside the co-founder of our Clinic, the brilliant and talented Naturopath, Carla Linkerhof.

Faunia Smith is a mum to two wonderful sons and grandmother of a beautiful two year old girl. Faunia has been practicing Naturopathy for over 30 years, graduating from Naturecare College with a Naturopathy Diploma, Diploma in Herbal Medicine and a Diploma in Remedial Therapies. She then completed her Naturopathic Bachelor degree at Charles Sturt University. Starting her career at Blackmores and Wagner Probiotics in Sydney and later continuing into private practice returning to the Toowoomba area where her family resides and is currently practicing in Warwick.

Faunia recently graduated as a level 2 Antigravity Yoga teacher and believes strongly in the fundamentals of good health being diet, connection and lifestyle, movement, fresh air and water, sunshine and practicing gratitude. She also loves to paint and is a huge advocate for how art and music heals. She finds joy in helping her patients achieve wellbeing, balance and the natural state of vibrant good health.

Faunia specialises in:

Functional Medicine - Looks at individual tailored requirements to maximise overall wellbeing. It addresses the prevention of chronic disease, quality of life, ongoing good immunity and lasting energy. Ask Faunia about the detoxification, weight loss, wellness and relaxation programs.

Frequency Specific Pain Management - Treatments have evolved into utilising a Frequency Specific Microcurrent machine with Bowen Therapy in conjunction with diet, supplements and movement. The microcurrent machine is similar to a TENS machine. Both pulse very small electric currents directly into inflamed tissue.

Bowen Therapy - This is a gentle rolling of the fascia on acupuncture meridians used to treat the nervous system to relieve pain.

Treatments for Microcurrent and Bowen are 1 hour and requires that the patient arrives well hydrated for maximum benefits.

Hormonal Health – Her interest in hormonal health led her to work with and gain experience with the remarkable Dr Julie Bradford at the Bradford Clinic in Toowoomba. Many modern day exposures and stresses may lead to endocrine disruption.

Enviromental Toxicity - This is another interest due to the amount of heavy metal exposures in our present day and the damage that is caused by the toxic burden which may be hidden in the tissue of our bodies. Faunia’s patients will often be requested to do a Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis. These tests also show nutritional status data which is a reliable tool for individual requirements.

Other tests include:

  • Hemaview - Live Blood Analysis
  • Allergy Testing
  • Microbiome Analysis
  • Saliva Hormornal Testing
  • Vega Testing

Patients are kindly asked to bring in any relevant pathology tests with them to their consultation.

Faunia is passionate about plant medicine, so individual herbal extracts are used extensively, however a wide range of modalities are employed for a totally wholistic approach to healing mind, body and soul.


Liz has been a valued member of the Natural Health Clinic Team since 2013. Liz holds an Advanced Diploma of Naturopathy, including Nutrition and Herbal Medicine.

Being a proud mum of four beautiful children, Liz is very passionate about children’s health and well-being. In addition to children’s health, she is very aware of the challenges busy parents face and can offer support in areas including fatigue, stress, anxiety and insomnia.

Taking a holistic approach to wellness and treating each person as an individual, Liz strives to educate her patients, whilst minimising symptoms of illness and supporting the body’s natural capacity to heal. Liz’s aim is to uncover the underlying causes of disease and dysfunction, restoring the body back to optimal health. She incorporates practical and sustainable dietary and lifestyle changes to achieve long-lasting results for her clients.

Liz has also been trained in BIA (Bio Impedance Analysis) and is one of a select group of Healthcare Professionals who have received extensive training in maximising healthy ageing and improving vitality, making her ideally suited to help you achieve your weight loss and health goals.

Liz enjoys working across all areas of heath, with particular interest in:

  • Children’s health
  • Women’s health, including pre- and post-natal support, PMS, hormonal issues, endometriosis, PCOS
  • Weight loss
  • Gastrointestinal conditions, such as IBS, diverticulitis, GORD
  • Skin conditions, such as acne, dermatitis, psoriasis and eczema
  • Autoimmune conditions, such as rheumatoid arthritis, thyroid disorders, IBD (Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis)
  • Pain management
  • Mental health conditions, such as depression, anxiety, stress – as well as associated issues, such as fatigue and insomnia

Tools that may be used during your consultation with Liz include:

  • A full health history
  • Dietary and lifestyle assessment
  • Live blood analysis
  • Iridology
  • Tongue and Nail assessment
  • Blood pressure
  • Blood glucose
  • Zinc level analysis
  • Bio Impedance Analysis

Liz can also offer additional pathology testing (QML, Nutripath), such as:

  • Thyroid profile (TSH, T3, T4)
  • Iron studies
  • Electrolyte and liver function
  • Lipid studies/Cardiovascular profile
  • Complete digestive stool analysis
  • Salivary hormone panels
  • Food allergy panels
  • Nutritional deficiencies (zinc, magnesium, B12, Vitamin D etc)
  • Inflammatory Markers (CRP, ESR)

Liz has a very caring, natural nature and is very passionate about helping people achieve their optimal health and vitality.

 low carb full

Low Carb and Intermittent Fasting – Where to start?

Low carb, high fat and intermittent fasting are words that are becoming commonplace and not just in naturopathic circles.  The benefits of a lower carbohydrate diet are supported with bountiful science that is coming to the forefront of medicine and nutritional advice, even in ‘Western’ circles, finally.  We as naturopaths have seen the benefits of these recommendations in weight loss, blood glucose control, cholesterol levels, energy, brain function and digestion to name just a few, time and time again.  And it’s easy to see why when you look past the ‘hype’ - when a low carbohydrate diet is really a whole food diet full of vegetables, quality meats, fish, fruits and fats such as nuts, seeds, olive oil and avocados etc. The recommendations I give daily on this healthy way of eating is not unlike what our grandmas would have simply called real food.  Simple.

The low-fat era of misinterpreted science, largely thanks to one scientist Ancel Keys in the 70s has shown to be completely unfounded.  You can find more information with the likes of Cardiologist Aseem Malhotra who has been instrumental in getting dietary recommendations in the U.K changed, along with their sugar tax and Professor Tim Noakes, my personal favourite nutritional modern-day hero - who has been instrumental in the low carb movement in South Africa and worldwide.

So how does one make the change to this way of life?  I am passionate about nutritional advice on a lower carbohydrate diet and at the Natural Health Clinic we also offer the ’Shake It’ program for those who need a little structure to get started and their minds around ‘new’ ways of eating or to ramp things up for weight loss.  This program is recognised by Health Funds such as Bupa and depending on your level of cover rebatable.

If you are ready to kick things off yourself, we’re here to help. I give structured advice, tailored to you in our consult.  The starting points are often with increasing your vegetables and fats whilst decreasing your sugars and refined carbs like bread and cereals.  Then decrease or cease snacking and go to three meals per day.  With our ‘Western’ diet full of sugary processed carbohydrates we need to eat more often.  The old analogy is that eating an excess of carbohydrates is like putting kindling on the fire, it burns quickly, i.e. as so too does your energy and need for food. With a lower carbohydrate and higher fat diet, it’s like putting a log on the fire, it will burn for hours, as does your energy with more fats and nutritionally dense foods. Clients state the improvements are profound in their blood sugar levels, sugar cravings and energy levels.  Brain fog often lifts as the brain is fed more of the fuels of good fats that it needs to function efficiently.

Intermittent fasting is often the next step in my nutritional guidance program.  It is by no means necessary but rather often happens with most clients naturally with this way of eating, as their hunger decreases or becomes controlled for the first time in their lives.  One gets in tune with their body and eats when hungry.  Different forms of fasting include 16/8 where you eat for an 8 hour window in the day (usually two larger meals) and 5:2 (2 non consecutive days of decreased calories) as made famous by BBC presenter, Doctor and researcher Michael Mosley to name only a couple.   So take the guess work out of dietary changes and allow us to guide you with your Whole Food diet to health.


mam peta


Peta Carter 

BHSc, Adv Dip Nat

E: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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Feeling fatigued? Let us help you find answers to feeling energised!


Fatigue is at epidemic proportions in our modern world in otherwise ‘healthy’ individuals.  Yet is the answer to our tiredness a complex one?  We are often sleeping poorly, eating terribly and drinking little water.

Sleep disturbances are on the rise, arguably hand in hand with the rise of technology.  Exposure to electromagnetic frequencies in the home from WIFI, cordless phones and even electric blankets can disrupt the pineal glands production of melatonin.  Melatonin should increase in the blood a few hours before bed to enable one to fall off to sleep easily and enter into restorative REM sleep that is pivotal for one to wake feeling refreshed.  The use of computers and phones in the hours before bed that emit blue light also disrupt this vital piece in our circadian rhythm.  Blue light from these devices is a short wavelength enriched light that is at a higher frequency to even natural light.  This is why it is so important to put the devices down a few hours before bed and turn the WIFI off to ensure a restful night sleep and to wake energised.

We often feed our bodies a largely carbohydrate (complex sugar) diet of breads, cereals, rice and pasta with very little protein, good fats and antioxidant rich vegetables and fruits.  So many of us are tired because we are simply calorie dense yet nutritionally starved.  We are constantly hungry in our cells’ search for balanced nutrients for energy as they ride the blood sugar wave from carbohydrates, up and down all day.

Yet could the answer to some people’s fatigue be even less complicated again?  Hydration levels are often overlooked in cases of fatigue, the answer seeming too simple… It’s the most fundamental thing to life, water…yet so many of us aren’t getting anywhere near enough.  Studies have found that even a 1% drop in our optimal hydration levels can decrease energy and mental focus.  Imagine how ongoing, even moderate dehydration could make you feel then.  The quality of your water is paramount too.  Bottled water is expensive and often delivered with a dose of BPA in plastic bottles and tap water can have unwanted heavy metals.  Reverse osmosis water filters remove heavy metals leaving energy providing H20.   

So what are some basic yet fundamental steps towards more energy and vitality?

  • Reset your circadian rhythm, wake with the sun and decrease Wi-Fi and screen time at least 3 hours before bed 
  • Balance your blood sugar levels by feeding your body a protein and good fat portion with each meal to sustain energy and decrease cravings for sugary foods
  • Eat an abundance of seasonal, fresh produce to feed your cells the countless micro nutrients, antioxidants and phytonutrients they require for you to feel energised
  • Start the day with 2 large glasses of water. Drink filtered water, preferably reverse osmosis up to 3 litres each day.

There are answers to your fatigue.  It is not something you simply need to accept and drag your feet through each day.  Look to the basics first, the results to your energy and vitality can be profound. If you still aren’t feeling energised visit us at the Natural Health Clinic for a full health assessment to help you be the best version of you!


mam peta


Peta Carter 

BHSc, Adv Dip Nat

E: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.